Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Life Update

Last month Chris and I finished all of our pre-IVF testing.  All that we had left to do was get our final price from the University of Utah Hospital to be able to move forward.  Somewhere along the long line of doctor’s appointments and tests, we had heard about a program that offers financial aid to those needing to do IVF.  Apparently this program is only word of mouth due to limited funding and so we started investigating it. 
Chris and I were planning to start the IVF process this month and we were both very excited.  When we got our price back from the committee reviewing our test results, it was about $23,000.  Honestly, even though I believe that there isn’t much else that is as gratifying to spend money on, seeing it in a lump sum was a bit staggering.  Within the week we got a call back from the financial aid program.  What they offer (after an extensive approval process) is amazing and Chris and I were excited to start the approval process until they let us know that this process typically takes 4 to 6 months.
I’m sure that any sane person would think the wait really does not really seem like that long.   To me, it seemed like an eternity!  My heart was so much set on starting this month.  I had started to plan what to do with the house and our spare room.  And for the first time ever, I even let myself buy a darling pair of overalls for one of MY babies.  All of these thoughts started to hit me, making me feel like somehow choosing to wait for funding is choosing money over children.  That if I wanted it bad enough we’d just move forward… etc.
Gratefully, I didn’t have to make the decision alone.  Chris and I were able to go to the temple on Saturday, (the beautiful Brigham City temple).
(Image from  www.deseretbook.com)

It was such a peaceful and amazing experience.  I kept thinking that I couldn’t believe the little city I grew up in actually had a temple!  I felt so much peace as I contemplated this decision.  My husband and I both felt that Heavenly Father was just happy about our desire to have children and the timing was up to us.  So, after talking about it extensively, we have decided to wait and see if it is possible to get the funding.  We will see where we are in June and if we need to reevaluate, we will.
I may not feel it all the time, but most of the time I really am grateful for opportunities that come in life that allow me to practice the patience, trust, and love.


1 comment:

  1. Y'all are in our prayers! While we were able to conceive naturally, we had problems for nearly 2 years and faced the stage of thinking it may not happen for us. I felt like a part of me had been ripped away. I hope that you are able to welcome a child (or children!) into your lives sooner rather than later! And may you be blessed during the waiting period! You both will be incredible parents! Good luck!
