Today is day 5 of the juice fast. I have learned some interesting things along the way.
- It is harder than it seems. I know, I'm kind of naive at times. I honestly didn't think that restricting my diet and only drinking juice would be that hard. I was wrong. It is hard. Especially when I look around and see other people enjoying yummy food. Or worse yet, when I smell their yummy food. Or worse than that, visit Pinterest at all. It has taken serious will power to stay honest in my fast. That and Chris telling me to give it one more day... repeatedly.
- NEVER EVER take the top off of the juicer until the blades have come to a complete stop. If pictures say 1000 words, I don't have to write any more about this other than I'm glad this didn't happen on day 3.
Chris asked if the kitchen walls were hungry... - I expected something different. I guess I expected to be hungry mostly. Truth is, I haven't been hungry at all until, as before mentioned, I see someone else with something that looks good. What has been really hard is my psychological attachment to food. Until today I was craving things that I don't even eat, like Burger King. What is that about?
- It takes a staggering amount of fruits and veggies to make juice. We have used more than 30 lbs of carrots alone in the last 5 days!
- Sometimes presentation isn't everything. Even if it looks bad, it can still taste good. Maybe I should find a way to adapt this into my perfectionist thinking. I'm sure it is pretty easy. This is what my breakfast, lunch, and dinner have been the last 5 days.
Sigh... - A little bit of sleep can make things seem OK again. Day 3 was a disaster! I actually got ANGRY that I wasn't eating like a normal person and I couldn't figure out why I was doing this to myself! Then I got ANGRY at Chris for telling me to stick it out one more day. I was shocked at the emotions coming out of me. I was literally crying about it. So, I sucked it up and went to bed and by the next day, I was totally fine again. Whew.
- It gets easier. All I can say here is thank goodness. Last night my friend was eating some delicious looking Chinese food and I was actually OK. With the food in front of me, with the smell, all of it. I was so impressed. Today I woke up feeling great and honestly, it has been a breeze.
- I can do hard things and it is worth it. Since last Monday I have lost 11 lbs. and Chris has lost about 15! I'm shocked by the results!
I guess we will see how much longer this craziness lasts. Hopefully at the end of all of this my sugar addiction will be finally gone or at least seriously reduced. Although, I'm not going to lie... a burger at Rich's sounds pretty amazing right now!