Monday, July 29, 2013

I think I may finally be in recovery from perfectionism...

As you know (or can see) it has been quite a while since I have updated my blog.  Surprisingly, I have received quite a few comments about it.  Sorry!  It was not my plan to take so much time in between posts but as some of you know, I had the pleasure of mono visiting me for a few months!  I think I am mostly recovered but it sure took a lot out of me.  I don’t think I have ever been that tired, ever.  I thought I was going crazy!

It is amazing to me how well I am known by my Heavenly Father and my Savior.  They always know exactly what I need to learn, when I need to learn it, and exactly the way to best help me to find that new understanding.  I am so blessed.  I was AMAZED by how much I learned during those months of not getting anything done because of excessive sleep.

I started quite a few posts and had even more ideas for posts during my bout with mono but, I never got them finished and honestly, I’m still processing quite a bit of my new understanding.  So, you will be getting it little by little from here on out.  I will do my best at being more consistent in my posting.

I learned right away just how Type A I am.  I loved this picture, it is so perfect!  I don’t have a whole lot

(McLeod, S. A. (2011). Type A Personality - Simply Psychology.Retrieved from

of the typical competitiveness ( or at least I am not aware of it) that usually follows a type A.   Because of this, I had just let myself believe that I wasn’t really this way.  The illusion quickly faded with the onset of extreme fatigue.  All of those things that I am supposed to do in a day started not getting done.  Part of the reason I thought I was going crazy is because I was driving myself crazy!  Every day for almost as long as I can remember, I come home from work with a list of everything that I ‘have to’ get done that day.  These lists were NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE to accomplish in one night but I loved the challenge (maybe I am more competitive than I thought).  I think I figured since it was only nearly impossible and not totally impossible there was a chance I could get it done.  At least I see now that while I accomplished a lot, I wasn’t really taking care of myself or paying attention to the people I love. 

When I got sick by the time I left work I was completely exhausted.  This forced me to start cutting down on my to-do list for when I got home to be more ‘realistic’(yeah right).  I kept trying to tell myself that the tiredness wouldn’t last long and if I could just keep up with things I wouldn’t have to catch-up later.  By doing this, I managed to push my body further than it really wanted to be pushed.  What was the result of that?  Having to use ALL of my vacation and sick time I had been saving for IVF.  ALL OF IT!  The real kicker though was that I missed all that work, and used all my time off, to do NOTHING BUT SLEEP!  Talk about crazy making.  I would wake up after 12 hours of sleep and fell like I hadn’t slept at all.  For the first time in my life I couldn’t force myself anymore, I couldn’t ‘push-through’, I just couldn’t do anything at all and I was so frustrated by it!

Yet, instead of asking for any help, I still somehow figured I could do things myself.  Due to my insanity (honestly it can’t be called anything else) I decided to do a lot of re-arranging in our home right before our home study for the IVF grant we applied for.  As all of you know, re-arranging anything means more cleaning and I was already down and out.  This meant that Chris and I stayed up until 2 AM the night before the social worker came to inspect our home to make sure everything was done.  I was hardly even functional but I just ‘had-to’ get it all done.  During the extra-long cleaning spree with me functioning at probably a ¼ of my normal speed I remembered a friend’s offer from earlier that day.  She knew our home study was the next day and that I would have no time that day to clean so she asked me sincerely if she could come and help.  Without even thinking about it I thanked her but let her know we had it under control.  As the clock passed midnight I was almost screaming at myself… this is OBVIOUSLY not under control!  I really could have used her help.  Why didn’t I even consider accepting it?

I think it was because I didn’t want her to see the mess.  I couldn’t stand not being all put together.  Because of my pride, I seriously paid the price.  Dumb, dumb, dumb.  Then I read this post from one of my favorite bloggers and I realized it wasn’t just me that did this.    I also realized how much I need to stop it.  Everyone struggles sometimes, life is messy for everyone, and if I can’t be real about that, how can others be real with me?  (Seriously, you should read the post and I highly recommend reading her often!)

No one benefits by my obsessive have-to-do lists.  Yes things do need to get done.  We live in the real world.  But they don’t have to get done at the sacrifice of a good conversation with my husband, or catching up with a good friend, or even for giving myself a little break once in a while.

Now I am practicing being nice to myself and taking time for me.  I am practicing not being so ridged and demanding.  I am practicing not living from those never-ending to-do lists.  I am far from perfect at it, but I am practicing and that is really okay for now. 
We women have a lot to learn about simplifying our lives.  We have to decide what is important and then move along at a pace that is comfortable for us.  We have to develop the maturity to stop trying to prove something.  We have to learn to be content with what we are. - Marjorie Hinckley 


  1. What perfect prep for motherhood :) and just life in general. i find myself more angry and frustrated by 'superficial' things (as I call housecleaning)than truly enjoying the joys in my life. Thanks Shanda - and i'm so glad the worst of mono is behind you.

  2. We're all here to learn, grow, improve and mature. Sometimes we have to take some real knocks to learn those lessons, right? God knew the only way to slow you down long enough to learn this one was the big MONO. :) There's no question in my mind that he has a sense of humor! Thanks for sharing this with us. You are such an awesome lady, and I love and miss you!
