Thursday, March 21, 2013

An introduction...

I have thought for quite a while that I should have a blog.  I think it would be therapeutic for me (even if no one ever reads it) for a few reasons.  One, I love to write.  I have always loved it.  I tend to naturally express better in writing than any other way.  Two, I really should be documenting some of the things I’m learning.  They have been incredibly important lessons for me.  Perhaps what I learn from life and many different things around me will also be of worth to someone else.  Three, I tend to live from faulty perfectionist thinking.  Perhaps a blog will be good for me in this aspect because I will be publishing things that perhaps aren’t perfect (ekk!).  A blog could be good practice for me on being human and being ok with it.

So, who am I anyway?   My name is Shanda.  I grew up in Utah and yes, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  My faith hasn't always been a large part of my life but it is now.  I have been married to my sweet husband Chris for about six and a half years.  Currently we don’t have any children but we do have two dogs.  We sure love our puppies, even if they aren't really puppies anymore.  We are very close to family and friends and love that we have some little nephews, nieces, and friends little ones to cuddle with when we get lonely for kiddos.

I have been able to do a lot in my life that has made me happy.  I served a mission for my church which allowed me the opportunity to meet and serve some remarkable people in the inner city of Chicago for a year and a half.  I have gone to several different schools and I absolutely love learning.  I am a licensed massage therapist and I am looking forward to learning medicinal herbs shortly.  I have had a great career and for the last two years have had worked with some truly amazing people as the office manager of a counseling office.  I love personal development and I have had several significant opportunities over the last few years to attend phenomenal training's that have changed my life and opened my eyes.  I have spent the years being married getting to know my husband really well and we have a network of support, friendship, and love that astounds me.  All in all, the things I have in life that make me happy show me that I am blessed beyond belief.

Like everyone else on the planet, I have had challenges and trials.  I am hopefully learning all I can from them but even if I’m not, I am learning some things.  That has to be worth something.  That is why I wanted to write this blog.  My hardships seem to be a different kind of school that my Heavenly Father has set up for me.  The kind of school that is tailored specifically to my needs and to teach me what I need to learn in order to become who He would have me to be.  Since I love to learn, I decided this needed to be documented.  When I focus on the fact that these challenges are on purpose, sent out of love for me to discover more of who I am meant to be, the burden is not as heavy.   I am learning to trust.  I am learning to love.  I am learning to live a life of gratitude.  While I am confident that I am not the only one learning these lessons, my dad has always told me that we are all in this life together.  If we can’t live to help someone else as we are helped, what is this life really all about?  So, hopefully my ramblings about lessons learned, faith, and what is happening in my family will not only provide me with cheap therapy but will also help someone else in their life’s journey.


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